Below are the best videos we could find featuring michael harner about neoshamanism.
Stan Grof and Michael Harner discuss Holotropic Breathwork and shamanism. Stanislav Grof's professional career has covered a period of over 50 years in which his primary interest has been research of the therapeutic potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Dr. Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, provides the keynote address on the ancient and contemporary practice of shamanism and shamanic healing at the first global conference on global healing at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Michael Harner, Founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Over tens of thousands of years, our ancient ancestors all over the world discovered how to maximize human abilities of mind and spirit for healing and problem-solving.
The story of Michael and Sandra Harner in the history and development of core shamanism, the universal, near universal, and common practices of shamanism worldwide.
Photo Credit: Photograph by Wikimedia user Pavlovitch / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license