Below are the best articles we could find featuring meister eckhart about christian mysticism.
The method of direct access to the divine, according to Eckhart, depended on an individual letting go of all desires and images of God and becoming aware of the “divine spark” present within. - Joel Harrington
Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth more than 2,000 years ago, according to the four Gospels of the New Testament, yet we need look no further than the two billion-plus Christians in the world today to see that his life and message still exert tremendous influence.
The journey inward into the dark and silence is a trip into simplicity, Eckhart says, a letting go of all things—all forms and images and memories...
A succinct and very accessible summary of Eckhart’s teachings was given in a paper by John Orme Mills OP at the Eckhart Society One Day Conference in London in 2002. We present this here with some minor edits.
As a professor and theologian, Meister Eckhart had a deep understanding of scripture and his own Christian tradition. He was a true meister or spiritual master.
Meister Eckhart was a late-thirteenth- and early-fourteenth-century preacher and mystic, yet like Rumi and Hafiz, he remains relevant today. He speaks to so many and touches people’s hearts. - Matthew Fox
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