
Matthieu Ricard on neurosciencevideos

Below are the best videos we could find featuring matthieu ricard about neuroscience.

Matthieu Ricard
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Highlights: Compassion Meditation

This all-day conference will bring leading scientists and educators into dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to discuss the state of current research on empathy and compassion, the scientific study of meditation practices for cultivating compassion, and the implementation of such meditation...

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Matthieu Ricard on Happiness and Meditation

The Happiest Man Alive? ABC News talks with Matthieu Ricard about Happiness and Meditation.

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The Science of Mind & Reality by Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer

What Science and Buddhism Say About Mind & Reality? With Matthieu Ricard and the neuroscientist Wolf Singer.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Brain: The Inner Conditions...

If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it? Ricard will examine the inner and outer factors that increase or diminish our sense of well-being, dissect the underlying mechanisms of happiness, and lead us to a way of looking at...

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Daniel Goleman