Below are the best resources we could find featuring lama rod owens about black well being.
Leading African American Buddhist teachers offer lessons on racism, resilience, spiritual freedom, and the possibility of a truly representative American Buddhism. With contributions by Acharya Gaylon Ferguson, Cheryl A.
Join the conversation with 15 leading African American Buddhist teachers.
How mindfulness has helped Buddhist teacher Lama Rod Owens live as a Black queer man in America.
A provocative conversation at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality & identity rooted in Buddhist wisdom and human experience, he shares his personal journey with rage. At a young age, he internalized the belief that his anger was dangerous.
Several queer Black Buddhist authors have showed me how spiritual practice can be a liberating force in the face of challenges as huge as racism, sexism and queerphobia.
White supremacy in the United States has long necessitated that Black rage be suppressed, repressed, or denied, often as a means of survival, a literal matter of life and death.
Photo Credit: The Washington Post / Contributor / The Washington Post / Getty Images