Below are the best videos we could find featuring kelly mcgonigal about willpower.
Health psychologist and Stanford lecturer Dr. Kelly McGonigal talks about what willpower is and how we can get more of it.
Book review and recommendation of “The Willpower Instinct” by Kelly McGonigal
Neuroscientists talk about how we have one brain but two minds. We have a mind that acts on impulse and seeks immediate gratification, and we have another mind that controls our impulses and delays gratification to fulfill our long-term goals.
We are tested every day. A battle between what we want to do and what we should do. Many of us could use more willpower, but few of us know how to get it.
Willpower is integral for our success and reaching our goals. But, what is it? Psychologist Kelly McGonigal says that willpower is not just in your head, it's a bodily process that, like our muscles, we can strengthen.
Photo Credit: Carlos Osorio / Contributor / Toronto Star / Getty Images