Justin Michael Williams is an American author, musician, and speaker who works at the intersection of social justice, meditation and mindfulness, and personal growth.
We speak with john a. powell, director of the Othering & Belonging Institute, about racial justice, well-being, and widening our circles of human connection and concern.
From growing up with gunshot holes outside of his bedroom window, to sharing the stage with Deepak Chopra, Justin Michael Williams knows the power of healing to overcome.
Justin Michael Williams works at the intersection of music, mindfulness, and social justice. With his groundbreaking book, Stay Woke, and over a decade of teaching experience, Justin has become a pioneering voice for diversity and inclusion in wellness.
Justin Michael Williams creates media, content, and strategies for people who are ready to stop wasting time and reach their full potential, fast.
Justin Michael Williams performing "Here With Me" at Sofar Los Angeles on October 21, 2016
Justin Michael Williams teaches and performs at the intersection of meditation, music, and social justice. He is a pioneering millennial voice, endlessly creative, committed to making meditation accessible to all people of all backgrounds. His motto: “We rise together.”
Meditation is about becoming more alive, a practice to help you connect with your passions and purpose. It's not about sitting on pillow, meditation is about how we wake up to who we were really meant to be.
We throw around the word gratitude all the time, but few of us know of the real origins of the practice, why every religion and spiritual practice talks about it, and how to use gratitude as more than just a fluffy concept, but to make real change in our lives.
Photo Credit: Harmony Gerber / Contributor / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images