Below are the best resources we could find featuring judy hall about spiritual healing.
A comprehensive and beautifully illustrated guide to crystals.
From manifestation and letting go of past hurt, to finding love and your inner light – Judy Hall explains the crystals you need to heal and move forward.
Crystal skulls are human-skull hardstone carvings often made of clear or milky white quartz known as "rock crystal.
Scrying is the art of using crystals for guidance and well-being. Like crystal healing, scrying is not a New Age fad.
Listing over 1,200 symptoms, this is a practical first-aid guide based on sound crystal-healing principles that have been practiced for millennia. Crystals are a gentle, non-invasive system of holistic healing with no side effects.
The definitive resource for working with powerful crystals! Sparkling, luminous, and colorful, it is no wonder crystals have always been regarded as a source of power from ancient times to present day.
This second A–Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles introduces a new generation of healing stones. Many are fresh to the market and have exceedingly high vibrations that raise consciousness to the next level of awareness whilst still having practical healing applications.
This third A–Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution and geopathic stress (GS) on health and well-being, and the dis-eases and healing crystals associated with them.
This immensely practical sixth book in the Crystal Prescriptions series covers crystals for karmic clearing, soul integration and healing the family tree.