
Judson Brewer on personal development

Below are the best resources we could find featuring judson brewer about personal development.

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How To Use Kindness To Create Connection During Crisis (Coronavirus Anxiety Update 5)

This podcast teaches you to leverage your brain’s reward system to use the energy of crisis to replace division and separateness with unity and connection.

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How To Sleep When You Are Anxious (3 Key Tips) (Coronavirus Anxiety Daily Update 8)

Anxiety makes it difficult to sleep, and lack of sleep makes you more anxious. This episode will show you how it affects your nervous system, and 3 simple tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

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How To Stop Compulsively Checking the News (Coronavirus Anxiety Daily Update 3)

In today’s podcast, you’ll learn why you sometimes get a surge of emotions when you read a big news headline, and what to do about it. The key question to ask yourself after you check the news.

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How To Manage Uncertainty and Anxiety (Coronavirus Anxiety Daily Update 4)

In today's podcast, you'll learn how to balance your need to plan for the future in the midst of massive uncertainty.

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A Mental Vaccine for Anxiety & Anger (Loving Kindness) (Daily Update 14)

Did you know that there is already a vaccine against panic, anxiety, and selfishness? It’s called loving kindness, and you can get vaccinated today.

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Amy Morin