Below are the best resources we could find featuring joseph goldstein about mindfulness meditation.
In Insight Meditation, Joseph Goldstein provides an overview of Buddhist practice and its context generally while focusing on vipassana meditation specifically.
In this teaching from 2004, Joseph Goldstein explains how three principles of meditation can be applied to the world’s conflicts.
Joseph Goldstein returns to the show to help unpack a few challenging Dharmic concepts and opens our eyes to the subtle craving of becoming.
Sharon and Joseph show us how to find love and awareness through meditative practice. They take questions from their live audience about applying that practice, reincarnation, and intention. Lessons on how to use the lessons of the Buddha to find a sustainable quality of happiness within.
When we don’t speak or act from our own sense of integrity, we feel lousy.
A Joyful Mind is a film about finding true happiness and well being through the practice of meditation. Today, the accelerating pace of life poses real challenges to our well-being.
Photo Credit: Langevin Jacques / Contributor / Sygma / Getty Images