
Joseph Campbell on mythologyarticles

Below are the best articles we could find featuring joseph campbell about mythology.

Joseph Campbell
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Joseph Campbell: 70 Years of Making Connections

For almost 50 years Joseph Campbell has been writing major studies of mythology.

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The Man Behind the Myth: Should We Question the Hero’s Journey?

Campbell claimed his theory, which has gone on to influence everything from Star Wars to Disney’s Aladdin, arose from a universal structure inherent in the global myths of antiquity. The problem is, that’s a lie. Campbell’s theory is as mythological as the stories from which it borrows.

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Joseph Campbell Is the Hidden Link Between ‘2001,’ ‘Star Wars,’ and ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

Mythology and the Hero’s Journey became pervasive throughout film culture and history as generation after generation turned to Joseph Campbell and The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

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Carl Jung