Below are the best articles we could find featuring john wooden about athlete well being.
Coach, as John Wooden was simply known to all, believed that real success is defined not by wins and losses, but by the daily development of yourself and giving your best in all you do.
Legendary basketball coach John Wooden had what he called an "MBA": a mop-and-bucket attitude. In other words, he believed in doing the hard work necessary to help everyone in his organization succeed.
Clarence Walker quietly broke the color barrier, wading through a thicket of unforgiving racial tensions along the way, bottling up his private pain for the greater good. He never fired back. He couldn’t.
John Wooden never talked much about race. He was just a decent man who understood what was right; he did right by people regardless of race, ethnicity, and religion; and he lived that creed.
Coach Wooden’s greatest accomplishments were not limited to basketball.
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