Below are the best articles we could find featuring joanna macy about hope.
The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Desertification, mass extinction, peak oil and economic upheaval together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions.
If you’re really paying attention, it’s hard to escape a sense of outrage, fear, despair. Author, deep-ecologist, and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy says: Don’t even try.
The Great Turning identifies the shift from a self-destroying political economy to one in harmony with Earth and enduring for the future. It unites and includes all the actions being taken to honor and preserve life on Earth. It is the essential adventure of our time.
In this op-ed, eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy introduces us to the bardo—the Tibetan Buddhist concept of a gap between worlds where transition is possible.
“Yes, it looks bleak," says Joanna Macy. "But you are still alive now. You are alive with all the others, in this present moment. And because the truth is speaking in the work, it unlocks the heart."
Photo Credit: Photograph by Flickr user Dreamfish / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic license