
Jessamyn Stanleyvideos

Below are the best videos we could find featuring jessamyn stanley.

Jessica Stanley is an American yoga teacher, body positivity advocate, and author. She teaches high energy vinyasa flow as a way to move through emotional and mental barriers and provides an uplifting body positive approach to yoga practice.

Jessamyn Stanley
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10-Minute Guided Meditation for Beginners to Clear Thoughts

Jessamyn Stanley lets us in on a secret we've all been wondering: finding ultimate peace and calm does not exist. Instead, focus on listening to your thoughts and allowing them to be there. Eventually, that chatter will clear and you'll find a calm and peaceful state.

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Jessamyn Stanley’s 8-Minute Yoga for Self-Love | Health

We’re practicing self-care while staying active in this eight-minute flow with body-positive yogi and Every Body Yoga author Jessamyn Stanley.

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Size Doesn't Matter Yoga Challenge: Day 1—Dhanurasana

Day 1 of September's SizeDoesntMatter Yoga Challenge is Dhanurasana (Bow Pose). This video includes a mermaid bind variation & a transition into tomorrow's pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose).

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Yoga Warm-Up Poses—Morning Sequence

This is one of my favorite a.m. warm-up sequences- it warms up my spine and shoulders especially well. This is a great sequence to begin your daily flow. I hold each pose 3–5 sec, and immediately follow it with a few rounds of sun salutations. Video is sped up 2x.

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Restore Yoga with Jessamyn Stanley | LIVI Moves

Yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley leads a series of simple stretches. “Most yoga poses are some kind of a treat for yourself, but this one in particular gives you an opportunity for solitude and space.” You’ll need a mat and, optionally, a block.

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Body Stories: How Practicing Yoga Helped Jessamyn Stanley Love Her Body | Self

In our first installment of Body Stories, yoga instructor Jessamyn Stanley tells us the history of her body and how her feelings about it have changed over time. ABOUT SELF Daily health, fitness, beauty, style advice, and videos for women who want to achieve their personal best in life.

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Core Yoga with Jessamyn Stanley | LIVI Moves

Yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley leads a class that focuses on the all-important core. “Even if you don’t have ripped muscles or have a lot of visible evidence for it, the inner strength will always show off.” You’ll need a mat and, optionally, a block and strap.

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Jessamyn Stanley on Body Positivity | Cosmopolitan

Yoga instructor and body positivity advocate Jessamyn Stanley talks about the importance of self-love and acceptance to achieve your goals. Cosmopolitan is the best-selling young women's magazine in the U.S., a bible for fun, fearless females that reaches more than 18 million readers a month.

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Hips Yoga with Jessamyn Stanley | LIVI Moves

Yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley shows us what hip-opening is all about-and how many benefits come with it. “We’re releasing all of these tensions that we just hold in throughout our days.” You’ll need a mat and, optionally, a block.

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Stand Strong Yoga with Jessamyn Stanley | Livi Moves Preview

Yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley breaks down the essentials in an easy-to-follow flow. “‘Stand strong’ doesn’t just mean to physically stand strong – it means to find strength in all of your life.” You’ll need a mat for this class.

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