
Jerry Lynch on self development

Below are the best resources we could find featuring jerry lynch about self development.

Jerry Lynch
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Being a Champion in the Now with Dr. Jerry Lynch

Being a Champion in the Now with Dr. Jerry Lynch.

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The Competitive Buddha: How to Up Your Game in Sports, Leadership and Life

The Competitive Buddha is about mastery, leadership, spirituality, and the Kobe Bryant Mamba Mentality. Discover how people from all parts of the world have brought together the Buddha and athletics for greater fun, enjoyment, and pleasure during their performances. Connect spirituality to sports.

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Coaching with Heart: Taoist Wisdom to Inspire, Empower, and Lead in Sports & Life

In the world of athletics, an innovative breed of coaches is emerging—men and women who insist on fostering strong, healthy relationships with their players where respect and integrity are forged—and they are winning! In Coaching with Heart, recognized sports psychologist Dr.

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Compete with the Heart of a Warrior with Dr. Jerry Lynch

Compete with the Heart of a Warrior with Dr. Jerry Lynch.

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