Jerry Lynch is an American sports psychologist, athletic coach, and author whose techniques focus on Taoism and Buddhist philosophies.
On this week’s episode of Speed Secrets Podcast, I talk with Dr. Jerry Lynch, author of my all-time favorite book, Thinking Body, Dancing Mind.
Times have changed in the coaching profession. In today's world of sport, players must deal with complex issues. Athletes are now more apt to fight for what they deserve than they were in the Vince Lombardi or John Wooden eras. That makes your role as the coach tougher than ever.
Dr. Jerry Lynch is more than a conventional sports psychologist. He combines Eastern thought, Native American tradition, Christian mysticism and western psychology to help coaches, parents and their athletes to create confidence, mental toughness and inspiration for competitive events.
Compete with the Heart of a Warrior with Dr. Jerry Lynch.
Martial artists, great warriors, coaches, generals, and successful corporate CEOs have all effectively used the strategies for winning found in Sun Tzu's Art of War.
Being a Champion in the Now with Dr. Jerry Lynch.
Runners know all too well the physical and mental challenges of their sport.
During physical training, we can experience something deeper than just the burn of working out. We can achieve spiritual awareness and know that we are alive and healthy.
Mentoring is one of the most talked-about concepts in business, sports, and education. In a time when corporate downsizing, school cutbacks, and single-parent families threaten to leave us with fewer role models and teachers, mentoring is more vital than ever.
The Competitive Buddha is about mastery, leadership, spirituality, and the Kobe Bryant Mamba Mentality. Discover how people from all parts of the world have brought together the Buddha and athletics for greater fun, enjoyment, and pleasure during their performances. Connect spirituality to sports.
Photo Credit: Caroline to ask author, an old friend