Below are the best resources we could find featuring jeremy narby about genetics.
While undertaking anthropological fieldwork in the Pichis Valley of the Peruvian Amazon, Narby became intrigued by the local community’s claim that they received their phenomenal biochemical knowledge under the influence of hallucinogens.
In 1985, Swiss-Canadian anthropology student Jeremy Narby spent a year at Quirishari in the Peruvian Amazon, studying how the Ashaninca tribe made use of indigenous resources.
Anthropologist Jeremy Narby describes his work decoding Amazonian shamanism and linking their knowledge system to the DNA molecule. He illustrates the concept of intelligence in nature with the story of putting a slime mold inside a maze.
Anthropologist Jeremy Narby is bringing together indigenous knowledge and Western science to inform the search for a sustainable future.
The idea of a kind of intelligence active throughout nature is gaining support within the scientific community, affirming a view long held by indigenous people and shamans.
Jeremy Narby, an anthropologist, discusses the intelligence of life, nature, ayahuasca and DNA communication. The interview also discusses how modern man has overlooked the inherent intelligence in nature.
Short piece of an interview with Jeremy Narby on the mystery of consciousness and biospheric television. NY April 12, 2008.
Narby’s discoveries form a fascinating account of the possibilities of myth, science and intelligence.