Below are the best resources we could find featuring jeff brown about spiritual growth.
Jeff Brown takes us along a bridge of consciousness, a stepping out into the heart of our spiritual journey- from false path to true path, from misidentification to authenticity.
As my spiritual journey deepened, friends fell away. As I shed one identity after another, I no longer identified with the people attached to them.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! Due to the cumulative effect of collective sharing and loving intentionality, the Shame Train has derailed at the junction of Self-Belief and Divine Uniqueness. The engine couldn’t run on self-hatred any longer.
So many of us know the moment when a love connection is over, but few of us stop then. I am not talking about reactive endings. I am talking about the deep intuitive knowing that it is time to move on.
We get more compassionate as we evolve. More humble. More subtle. More aware of how little we know. We don’t get superior. We don’t form cults of personality. We don’t think we have it all worked out. If we imagine ourselves ‘all that,’ then we have actually devolved.
‘Sometimes I feel crazy being this dramatic about a love that only lasted a few months and...’ She interrupted me. ‘Nothing crazy about it. You don’t measure love like that. You measure it by its effects. It doesn’t matter how long it lasted. It’s how much it grows you that matters.’
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