Below are the best resources we could find featuring jean shinoda bolen about aging.
What’s next for the getting-older generation of women who have been redefining themselves each decade? Women turn 50 and cross into uncharted territory.
In her latest book, Crones Don’t Whine, Jean Shinoda Bolen’s playful sense of humour and keen insight combine to offer women thirteen qualities to cultivate. Engage in these small practises and you’re bound to be a happier person, who’s doing her bit to make the world just a little better.
Author and speaker Jean Shinoda Bolen explains that “we came to make a difference.” From interviews for the film, Get Real! Wise Women Speak.
A crone is a woman who has found her voice. She knows that silence is consent. This is a quality that makes older women feared. It is not the innocent voice of a child who says, ‘the emperor has no clothes,’ but the fierce truthfulness of the crone that is the voice of reality.
Explores the value and meaning of women's lives as they age.
Photo Credit: Denver Post / Contributor / Denver Post / Getty Images