
Janet Farrar

Janet Farrar is an English teacher and author of books on Wicca. She and her two husbands, Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone, have published several books on witchcraft. She frequently lectures on the subjects of Wicca, neopaganism, and witchcraft in the Western world.

Janet Farrar
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Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone–Children of Earth Interviews

Janet’s work with the late Stewart Farrar was long the cornerstone works for newcomers to Wicca, Witchcraft and other Pagan Traditions.

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A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook

The Complete Witches' Handbook.Everything you need to know is here! The Sabbats; Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle; The Complete Book of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft & Sex; Running a Coven; Clairvoyance; Astral Projection.

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Interview with Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone

Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone have skillfully put together a guide which grants the reader the capability to learn in ways never before possible, they have created a powerful tool that embraces and opens new doors to Progressive Witchcraft for all who wish to enter.

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A Witch’s Bible

Everything you need to know is here - The Sabbats, Casting & Banishing the Magic Circle, The Complete Book of Shadows, The Great Rite, Initiation Rites, Consecration Rites, Spells, Witches' Tools, Witchcraft & Sex, Running a Coven, Clairvoyance, and Astral Projection.

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The Healing Craft: Healing Practices for Witches and Pagans

The Healing Craft is the first work of it's kind aimed toward the Pagan market. Although directed at those seeking to use the healing arts from a purely Pagan perspective, it will be useful to any who are interested in complementary therapies.

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The Inner Mysteries: Progressive Witchcraft and Connection to the Divine

A look into the underlying principles behind modern magic in Witchcraft, this investigation provides an integrated training system for both solitary Witches and coven-based trainees in the form of magical energy practice and cosmology.

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What Doreen Valiente Means to Me - Janet Farrar 8 Sabbats

Janet Farrar talking about the 8 Sabbats.

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The Pagan Path: The Wiccan Way of Life

It has often been stated that Paganism is the fastest growing religion in the world; this book helps to answer why...As a result of many years of research with pagans throughout the world, the authors have compiled an extensive work on paganism today.

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The Witches’ God: Lord of the Dance

This companion volume to The Witches' Goddess re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess. Part I covers the many concepts of the God examined, including: His faces throughout history; The Son/Lover God; The Vegetation God; The War God; The Anti-God; and more.

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