Below are the best resources we could find featuring james martin about prayer.
What's the right way to pray? In this video, Fr. James Martin, S.J., explains five of the most common forms of prayer and how you can encounter God through each of them.
In The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, Father James Martin included a chapter on communicating with God. Now, he expands those thoughts in this profound and practical handbook.
The former chaplain of The Colbert Report, Father James Martin, humbly accepts when Stephen offers him the job of chaplain of A Late Show! In part one of their interview, Father Martin tells Stephen how his new book, "Learning To Pray," encourages readers to explore all the different ways people...
The Christian longing to share anguish, fear, gratitude, and awe has found expression in many forms of prayer, beginning in Scripture and the practices and words of Jesus.
Photo Credit: PAUL FAITH / Contributor / AFP / Getty Images