Below are the best resources we could find featuring jack canfield about parenting.
The relationship between a mother and daughter is one of the most profound bonds in life. A mother feels her daughter's first kick during pregnancy, labors to bring her daughter into the world and watches as she takes her first breath of life.
Through this collection of heartfelt true stories about family ties, helping neighbors, and lasting friendships, children will see how other kids their age have learned valuable lessons from the choices they’ve made—and most of all, they will realize that they are not alone.
A kid who makes healthy life choices has a happier, better childhood, leading to a happier, better adult life.
This upbeat and compelling book includes the best selections on parenting from Chicken Soup’s rich history, with 101 stories carefully selected to appeal to both mothers and fathers.
Photo Credit: David Livingston / Contributor / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images