Below are the best resources we could find featuring iyanla vanzant about divorce and breakup.
Iyanla coaches an audience member through the pain of ending a 9-year relationship that she was in denial about. Iyanla helps her look deep within herself and ask why she settled for "less" for so long.
Iyanla’s Fixins: We discussed how to deal with loving someone who just doesn’t love you back.
In this honest and searching book, New York Times best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant recounts the last decade of her profoundly human journey and shares her own hard lessons to inspire you to put your personal puzzle back together.
We have all had moments when we felt uncertain about our next move—or wondered if we should make one at all. "Do I stay in this relationship or leave it behind? Do I stick with this job or look for another?"
Iyanla reflects on how furious she was when her ex-husband left her for another woman. "Not only did he leave," Iyanla says, "He left me for somebody I knew." Here, find out how Iyanla dug deep to find forgiveness.
Photo Credit: Earl Gibson III / Contributor / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images