Below are the best resources we could find featuring helen lakelly hunt about romantic relationships.
Marriage isn’t easy. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something. But it can be fun. And fulfilling. And, more than anything, it can be a strong foundation on which you construct a meaningful and rewarding life.
A companion workbook to the enormously successful New York Times bestselling relationship book, Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples.
Gail and Jim are looking into each other’s eyes, taking deep breaths. They’re nervous, sitting face to face, with a therapist next to them. The therapist looks at Gail.
Relationship problems? There’s good news. These revolutionary marriage counseling techniques can save your marriage and improve every relationship in your life.
Getting the Love You Want has helped millions of people experience more satisfying relationships and is recommended every day by professional therapists and happy couples around the world. Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr.
What happens when marriage counselors want to heal society? Relationship gurus Harville Hendrix (called the “marriage whisperer” by Oprah) and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, are so convinced that keeping couples together is the key to societal happiness and prosperity that they have launched a...
Harville Hendrix and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, talk about how to stop the "monkey brain" and how couples can work together to heal their relationship
We think most couples wait too long to get help, so we want to bring the simple practices of a conscious partnership into the mainstream so people know how to be in a marriage before they enter one.
Oftentimes one person in a relationship is more interested in improving a relationship than the other. Is it possible for one partner to save a relationship on his or her own? Harville Hendrix and our panel of experts discuss.
Harville Hendrix and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, talk about the Imago Process theory and therapy that they co-created to help couples be more effective in their life and relationships.
Photo Credit: Jemal Countess / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images