Below are the best books we could find featuring eric maisel about self expression.
Over the years, Eric Maisel has worked with thousands of creative people, including writers, musicians, artists, dancers, and actors.
Eric Maisel knows from experience and observation that the single most crucial element of success for any endeavor is a regular, daily practice. Dr.
In his decades as a psychotherapist and creativity coach, Eric Maisel has found a common thread behind what often gets labeled “writer’s block,” “procrastination,” or “stage fright.
Creativity Coaching Essentials shows people how to become more effective creators by guiding them through 12 self-coaching lessons.
Enrich your life and write with more intensity than ever on a spirit-renewing adventure in the City of Light. Experience Paris not as a tourist but as a creator, where you dedicate yourself to the bohemian life in picturesque parks, cafés, and bookstores.
Are you a painter, writer, actor, dancer, musician, or would-be creative? Are you stuck in the process of creating and sharing your art? In Unleashing the Artist Within, Eric Maisel, PhD offers lessons, anecdotes, and real-life case studies that will help you unlock your creative powers. Dr.