
Eric Maisel on finding meaningbooks

Below are the best books we could find featuring eric maisel about finding meaning.

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Life Purpose Boot Camp: The 8-Week Breakthrough Plan for Creating a Meaningful Life

As life gets busier and more complicated we crave something larger and more meaningful than just ticking another item off our to-do list. In the past, we’ve looked to religion or outside guidance for that sense of purpose, but today fewer people are fulfilled by traditional approaches to meaning.

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The Van Gogh Blues: The Creative Person’s Path Through Depression

Creative people will experience depression—that’s a given. It’s a given because they are regularly confronted by doubts about the meaningfulness of their efforts. Theirs is a kind of depression that does not respond to pharmaceutical treatment.

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The Atheist’s Way: Living Well Without Gods

In The Atheist’s Way, Eric Maisel teaches you how to make rich personal meaning despite the absence of beneficent gods and the indifference of the universe to human concerns. Exploding the myth that there is any meaning to find or to seek, Dr.

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