Below are the best resources we could find featuring elizabeth gilbert about communication skills.
Marriage becomes hard work once you have poured the entirety of your life’s expectations for happiness into the hands of one mere person. Keeping that going is hard work.
You’re not required to save the world with your creativity. Your art not only doesn’t have to be original . . . it also doesn’t have to be important.
The act of quiet nighttime talking illustrates for me more than anything else the curious alchemy of companionship.
The Yogic sages say that all the pain of a human life is caused by words, as is all the joy.
You can measure the happiness of a marriage by the number of scars that each partner carries on their tongues, earned from years of biting back angry words.
Prayer is a relationship; half the job is mine. If I want transformation, but can’t even be bothered to articulate what, exactly, I’m aiming for, how will it ever occur? Half the benefit of prayer is in the asking itself, in the offering of a clearly posed and well-considered intention.
Learning how to discipline your speech is a way of preventing your energies from spilling out of you through the rupture of your mouth, exhausting you and filling the world with words, words, words instead of serenity, peace and bliss.
‘Parla come magni.’ It means, ‘Speak the way you eat,’ or in my personal translation: ‘Say it like you eat it.
Anyhow, the older I get, the less impressed I become with originality. These days, I’m far more moved by authenticity. Attempts at originality can often feel forced and precious, but authenticity has quiet resonance that never fails to stir me.
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