Below are the best resources we could find featuring edith eger about resilience.
In the essay and excerpt, Eger discusses surviving a pandemic and Auschwitz, and offers powerful lessons in resilience, grief, and finding hope amid darkness.
At the age of sixteen, Edith Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Hours after her parents were killed, Nazi officer Dr. Josef Mengele forced Edie to dance for his amusement and her survival. Edie was pulled from a pile of corpses when the American troops liberated the camps in 1945.
Dr. Edith Eger, the author of The Choice, delves into her time at Auschwitz, discussing things that she never thought were possible. Dr. Eger talks about finding hope in hopelessness, and how everything has a spark inside of it.
To some people, Dr. Edith Eva Eger lost everything in Auschwitz during the Holocaust; but to Edith, she gained an understanding and compassion for others that has given her a beautiful life. Watch this inspiring, beautiful talk as Edith talks about revenge vs. forgiveness. Dr.
Photo Credit: ROBIN VAN LONKHUIJSEN / Contributor / AFP / Getty Images