Below are the best articles we could find featuring dietrich bonhoeffer about moral philosophy.
Eric Metaxas, whose best-selling biography of William Wilberforce, Amazing Grace, provided the framework for an important motion picture, is now out with a thick review of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian who played a key role in one of the attempts to kill Adolf...
Bonhoeffer was an intellectual who joined thought and action.
It was Bonhoeffer's fate that his life intermeshed with the century's most fascinating episode — the rise and fall of Nazism.
Mere waiting and looking on is not Christian behavior.
All eight children were raised in a liberal, nominally religious environment and were encouraged to dabble in great literature and the fine arts. Bonhoeffer's skill at the piano, in fact, led some in his family to believe he was headed for a career in music.
In these days of solitude and waiting, we have to remain connected to the sources of our strength.
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