Below are the best resources we could find featuring deepak chopra about soul mission.
Deepak Chopra on How to Follow Your Bliss for "Make Your Passion Your Paycheck" with Jamie Zimmerman, MD What do you think Joseph Campbell meant when he said follow your bliss? When Joseph Campbell said follow your bliss, he was talking about a concept that’s very well known in the East.
We all want to know how to find a soul mate, what career would be most fulfilling, how to live a life with meaning, and how to teach our children well. We are looking for a personal breakthrough, a turning point, a revelation that brings with it new meaning.
The celebrated author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success has written his most ambitious and important work yet, a runaway international bestseller that has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers to rethink their concept of God.
What keeps life fascinating is the constant creativity of the soul.
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