
Deepak Chopra on epigenetics

Below are the best resources we could find featuring deepak chopra about epigenetics.

Deepak Chopra
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Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being

"You are not simply the sum total of the genes you were born with," write Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi. "You are the user and controller of your genes, the author of your biological story. No prospect in self-care is more exciting.

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Information Medicine: The Revolutionary Cell-Reprogramming Discovery that Reverses Cancer and Degenerative Diseases

The universe is not a mechanical system of matter—it operates like a cosmic network that runs on and is connected by information. Information “in-forms” and underlies all of the physical world, including the human body. In this book, Pier Mario Biava, M.D., and Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

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Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine (Revised and Updated)

More than twenty-five years ago, Quantum Healing helped transform Deepak Chopra into a cultural phenomenon. Now Dr.

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Marshall Rosenberg