Below are the best resources we could find featuring david steindl rast about gratitude.
Br. David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan Halifax give a dharma talk. In this segment Br. David talks about grateful living practice.
This is a preview of a talk with Brother David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan Halifax. The full-length DVD will be available from Upaya Zen Center.
This moving gift book truly stirs gratitude for the blessing of life and the everyday wonder and beauty of nature. It was inspired by the short film Gratitude, a viral video sensation by acclaimed filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg recently featured on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday.
The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy, says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. And happiness, he suggests, is born from gratitude. An inspiring lesson in slowing down, looking where you're going, and above all, being grateful.
From beloved author Brother David Steindl-Rast comes this beautiful collection of original blessings meant to guide readers through each day with wisdom and spirit.
Through his books and appearances, Brother David Steindl-Rast has shared the blessings of the thankful heart with millions. In this uncommon writing journal, he invites us to find greater depth and richness amid our daily challenges and burdens.
Tami Simon from SoundsTrue introduces Br. David at the Eckhart Tolle Foundation's “Living a Life of Presence”, a four-day event that took place in Huntington Beach, California on September 29th – October 1st, 2016. This video is owned by the Eckhart Tolle Foundation.
In these writings, monastic wisdom meets the spiritual questions and hungers of our age. This volume contains his essential writings on such themes as gratefulness, prayer, silence, and love.
A Benedictine monk for over 60 years, Steindl-Rast was formed by 20th-century catastrophes. He calls joy “the happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.” And his gratefulness is not an easy gratitude or thanksgiving — but a full-blooded, reality-based practice and choice.
A monk reflects on the many aspects of the spiritual life with the basic attitude of gratefulness.
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Photo Credit: Denver Post / Contributor / Denver Post / Getty Images