
David Steindl-Rast

Brother David Steindl-Rast OSB is an Austrian American Catholic Benedictine monk, author, and cofounder of the Center for Spiritual Studies, an organization that seeks to foster and continue the dialogue between different religious traditions. The heart of his lectures and writings focus on gratitude.

David Steindl-Rast
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How to Maintain Faith When Life Seems Unfair | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Brother David Steindl-Rast, the author, scholar and Benedictine monk, and Oprah Winfrey discuss how to have faith even during difficult times.

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How Do You Pray?: Inspiring Responses from Religious Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Healers, Activists and Other Lovers of Humanity

How Do You Pray? was born from a vision in which Celeste Yacoboni was told to ask the world, “How Do You Pray?” She reached out to leading spiritual, shamanic, scientific teachers, guides, and activists and asked for their response.

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Contemplative Community

Contemplative community is solitude-community which provides leisure to celebrate life.

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The Monk and the Rabbi — Mysticism & the Peak Experience

From LUNCH WITH BOKARA, Bokara Legendre talks with Brother David Steindl-Rast and Rabbi Lawrence Kushner about mysticism and how peak experiences and religion factor in. This segment focuses on Br. David's contributions to their conversation.

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Gratefulness and Celibacy

“How do we say YES to life if we have chosen to be celibate outside of marriage;” the one-word answer is, “gratefully,” because the YES to life is gratefulness — grate-fulness — our full response to the gratuitous gift of life.

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Gratefulness in the Now (Part 3)

Br. David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan Halifax give a dharma talk. In this segment Br. David talks about grateful living practice.

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The Great Circle-Dance of the Religions

The driving force of the spiritual quest is our longing to belong.

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How Do I Pray?

Let’s start with the definition of prayer, the most classical definition that you learn in Sunday School: “the lifting up of heart and mind to God.”

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Gratefulness in the Now

This is a preview of a talk with Brother David Steindl-Rast and Roshi Joan Halifax. The full-length DVD will be available from Upaya Zen Center.

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A Good Day: A Gift of Gratitude

This moving gift book truly stirs gratitude for the blessing of life and the everyday wonder and beauty of nature. It was inspired by the short film Gratitude, a viral video sensation by acclaimed filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg recently featured on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday.

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Thich Nhat Hanh