
Dacher Keltner on presencepodcasts

Below are the best podcasts we could find featuring dacher keltner about presence.

Dacher Keltner
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Why a Walk Works Wonders

Do you dwell on the negative and let moments of joy just pass you by? Discover how the Academy Award-winning director of Inside Out got out of his head and savored the good in his life.

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Do You Know How To Eat a Raisin?

Do you have trouble slowing down enough to actually enjoy your life? Our Happiness Guinea Pig, comedian and radio host Luke Burbank, finds a way to break free from his over-scheduled lifestyle.

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Do You Want To Be More Patient?

We can be at our worst with the people we love best. Our guests try ways to be more calm and present with those closest to them.

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Do You Feel Pressed for Time?

What happens when we share our time? Our guest, chef and author Bryant Terry, pauses to be present with the ones who matter most.

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Michael Pollan