Below are the best resources we could find featuring carolyn baker about global challenges.
What is the truth about grief? It's not what our culture tells us about grief. Carolyn explains why conscious grieving is an essential life skill that heals us, heals the community, and heals the Earth and also paradoxically manifests joy and gratitude in our lives and relationships.
Return to Joy is a compelling and potent invitation to the reader to consider that joy is the ultimate nature of reality and that its absence lies at the root of the current, unprecedented global crisis.
Dark Gold: The Human Shadow and the Global Crisis endeavors to educate, challenge, and most importantly, inspire the reader to engage with the personal and collective shadow as a necessary first step in both individual and planetary healing.
It is only when you understand the extent to which you have been traumatized—even if outside of your awareness—that you can effectively prepare for and, yes, welcome the demise of empire and its ghastly assaults on your soul and the earth community.
What is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path...
In the boldest and most daring book either author has ever written, Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker confront us with the life and death reality of the global crisis and the fact that four crucial strategies must be employed not only to survive the dark night, but to inhabit our bodies and our lives...
Lise Van Susteren, M.D., psychiatrist and climate activist, discusses the emotional impact of climate chaos on humans and how we can prepare for it.
A collection of probing essays and weekly meditations, this book addresses how to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the impending collapse of industrial civilization.
Climate "change" doesn't begin to address the existential and moral crisis humans are experiencing. All living beings are traumatized by climate catastrophe.