Below are the best videos we could find featuring carl jung about the unconscious.
In this video, I cover some basic tips for starting your dream journal so that you can begin to do a Jungian dream analysis on your dreams. Dreams are the direct expression of unconscious activity in the psyche.
Bert Janssen explains the book ‘the Organizing Principle – There are No Coincidences’, which describes a principle that has a great impact on our lives (often on an unconscious level) and also shows the language it uses for this.
Terence McKenna talks to the Jung Society about the importance and his appreciation of Carl Jung.
The anima and animus are two essential archetypes of Carl Jung's theories. They reside in the unconscious just like the shadow and just as with the shadow they both need to be integrated into one's personality to achieve one's full potential and become whole.
Animus/Anima archetypes in Jungian psychology, excerpt from "A World of Dreams" , a three-part series of films produced by PBS, on the life and works of the great thinker and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.
In this video, I talk about The Anima and The Animus in the Jungian Psychological Model. I go over the information in this order. 1. Anima and Animus - basic definition 2. The gender spectrum now and how the Anima and Animus fits in 3. The feminine and masculine defined as Yin and Yang 4.
This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theatre where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic. To me dreams are part of nature, which harbours no intention to deceive but expresses something as best it can. ~ Carl Jung
The anima and animus can be identified as the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a man possesses or the masculine ones possessed by a woman, respectively.
In this video we investigate what Carl Jung called archetypes, explaining what they are, how they influence our lives, their relationship to symbols, and their connection to religious experiences.
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