Below are the best resources we could find featuring carl jung about synchronicity.
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences or improbabilities sent to you from behind the veil of reality. Find out what they mean and what causes them.
A lot of people have an idea of what the term “synchronicity” means in popular use, but in a lot of cases, they confuse it with the simple fact that sometimes, all of us experience extraordinary, timely coincidences. Accidents that seem as though they were by design.
Inner Knowing illustrates that the human mind possesses the capability to consistently function at significantly high levels of perception, creativeness, and intuitiveness. Indeed, everyone has at one time in his life experienced a sense of mindful clarity that led to a Eureka! moment.
In his book Synchronicity, Paul Halpren relates how Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli, distraught and drinking heavily after his divorce in 1930, sought out Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung for therapy. Jung, in turn, received a schooling in quantum physics.
Although he is often called the “founding father of the New Age,” Carl Jung, the legendary Swiss psychiatrist best known for his groundbreaking concepts such as the collective unconscious, archetype theory, and synchronicity, often took pains to avoid any explicit association with mysticism or...
Jung was intrigued from early in his career with coincidences, especially those surprising juxtapositions that scientific rationality could not adequately explain.
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