Below are the best videos we could find featuring bessel van der kolk about trauma healing.
Trauma is about horror. A horrendous reality that you don't want to remember Our clients are often dealing with the unspeakable. Are you using tools that promote healing, or are you re-traumatizing the people who've come to you for help?
Ruth and Bessel, together with Stephen Porges, PhD and Pat Ogden, PhD focus on: How to Help Clients Tolerate Dysregulation and Come Back From Hypoarousal as part of the Treating Trauma Master Series.
Dr. Treisman talks about the importance of forging good relationships and effective society-wide systems when it comes to understanding and healing trauma.
For most patients, the COVID-19 crisis has created a “new normal.” They may be stuck at home, unable to work, or feeling isolated from dear friends and family. This all can leave people feeling helpless.
Bessel van der Kolk, clinical psychiatrist and best-selling author of The Body Keeps the Score, shares how yoga can help you get “unstuck” from the imprints of trauma.
Photo Credit: Boston Globe / Contributor / Boston Globe / Getty Images