Below are the best resources we could find featuring belleruth naparstek about veteran well being.
You can recover from posttraumatic stress. Certainly, you can significantly reduce—not just manage—its symptoms. But—and here’s the thing—not with traditional treatment.
Watch this video with Belleruth Naparstek as she tells the story of creating a guided imagery introduction with 1st Sergeant Dave Rauls that soldiers really get.
There are several studies claiming a 70-percent improvement rate for returning warriors who are treated for combat stress with various cognitive behavioral therapies and/or prolonged exposure strategies. But this is a misleading number.
Belleruth describes recent research from the San Diego VA Hospital, which concludes that Transcendental Meditation decreases symptom severity in Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress, outperforming Prolonged Exposure Therapy.
Belleruth describes recent research from the San Diego VA Hospital, which concludes that Mantra Repetition outperforms Present-Centered Therapy at reducing the symptom severity and insomnia of Veterans with PTS.
The tools that work so well are neither complicated nor expensive. They’re interventions that ping on the primitive structures in the brain, where posttraumatic stress sits and wreaks its havoc. These are tools like guided imagery, relaxation, meditation, hypnosis, and breath work.
Our service people are over-medicated downrange, mostly with legal drugs. This creates problems—from slower reaction times to possibly an increased vulnerability to suicide later on.
Photo Credit: Photographed by Karen Ollis / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International license