Below are the best videos we could find featuring bart houlahan about environmental justice.
Bart Houlahan, Cofounder of B Lab, looks at how B Lab is changing the role of business in society, evidence of B Lab’s impact, what factors are critical to scaling your social venture, tri-sector leadership, and preserving a company’s mission through succession.
B Lab Co-Founder Bart Houlahan spoke with Dean Bill Boulding of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business in February 2020. The talk in front of students was part of Duke Fuqua's Distinguished Speaker Series.
B Lab cofounder, Bart Houlahan, shares how B Corps use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems as well as make money with CNN Money.
After watching the new owner of his sports apparel company strip away long standing commitments to employees, community and the environment, Bart Houlahan knew there had to be a better way to use business as a force for good.