Below are the best books we could find featuring b k s iyengar about yoga.
B.K.S. Iyengar, whose teachings on yoga are followed throughout the world, reflects upon his lifetime's experience on the yoga path.
Yoga For Sports shows how yoga can train the mind and body and help sportspeople become more agile, stronger and focused. Yoga is based on the principle of integrating the body as a whole and shifts the emphasis to the quality of the movement.
In this classic, a yoga master describes the techniques of breathing together with a comprehensive background of yoga philosophy in this authoritative, practical and indispensable guide.
Iyengar developed a form of yoga that focuses on developing strength, endurance, correct body alignment, as well as flexibility and relaxation. The Iyengar method integrates philosophy, spirituality, and the practice of yoga into everyday living.
The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga--the ancient healing discipline for body and mind--by its greatest living teacher. Light on Yoga provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin.
B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar’s unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of ‘yoga for all’, which has made it into a worldwide phenomenon.
A practical guide to the most widespread of yoga forms - the Iyengar method - this book is suitable both for beginners and advanced pupils and can be used as a handbook for home practice. Each of the 90 postures included is graded, described and accompanied by detailed instructions.
BKS Iyengar’s translation and commentary on these ancient yoga sutras has been described as the “bible” of yoga. This new edition of the classic text contains a new introduction by BKS Iyengar, as well as a foreword by Godfrey Devereux, author of Dynamic Yoga.
Photo Credit: Dominik Ketz / Contributor / Getty Images News / Getty Images