Below are the best resources we could find featuring anna sale about communication skills.
Anna Sale’s podcast, “Death, Sex and Money”, is not afraid to dig into the tough, thorny topics that most of us are eager to avoid.
Anna Sale wants you to have that conversation. You know the one. The one that you’ve been avoiding or putting off, maybe for years.
We’ve forgotten how to talk to people. . .Our entire social lives have become a middle school dance: unrealistic expectations in the lead-up, self-conscious regrets in the aftermath.
The way you approach a hard conversation either reinforces a pathway for exchange or erodes trust in the relationship. You can set yourself up for a more productive, less volatile exchange by being clear about what you are trying to accomplish by treading into challenging terrain.
A hard conversation is about trying to sort of understand more focus on descriptions and sharing experience but not wrapping it all up neatly at the end because when you try to do that, you’re sort of pushing through what actually is the hard thing
She managed to make maternity leave feel like something important, something to be respected and acknowledged openly, rather than to be spoken of in hushed tones or treated as an inconvenience or indulgence.
Photo Credit: Desiree Navarro / Contributor / WireImage / Getty Images