Below are the best resources we could find featuring angel kyodo williams about zen buddhism.
There truly is an art to being here in this world, and like any art, it can be mastered. In this elegant, practical book, Angel Kyodo Williams combines the universal wisdom of Buddhism with an inspirational call for self-acceptance and community empowerment.
Join the conversation with 15 leading African American Buddhist teachers.
“I just want people to be liberated.” John DeMont on the radical Buddhism of Rev. angel Kyodo williams.
Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Jyoshin Clay, and Kwan Haeng Sunim discuss the Zen concept of “don’t know mind.”
Listen to Rev. angel Kyoto Williams, referred to as "the most intriguing African-American Buddhist” by Library Journal, and learn more about Zen Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths, and transformation in these changing times.
Photo Credit: Photograph by Bethanie Hines / Distributed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported license