Below are the best resources we could find featuring andy puddicombe about sleep.
Prepare your mind for a restful night with this one-minute exercise. Studies show that if you have trouble sleeping, meditation may help you fall asleep faster and have a more restful night’s sleep. That’s where Headspace comes in.
A simple visualization to soothe the mind and relax the body, creating the ideal conditions for healthy, restful sleep. Try all of our wind downs plus 12 new Sleepcasts in the brand new Sleep by Headspace experience. Here’s to a life well slept.
Getting enough quality Zzz? Wish you could sleep better? Andy sat down to chat sleep, bedtime routines, and all things in-between on this episode of Ask Andy.
Meditation expert Andy Puddicombe explains how to calm your mind before bedtime.
Taking a moment to reflect on the positive outcomes of the day can help release the stress that stops us from getting the rest we need to take on the challenges of tomorrow.
Sleep is not a one size fits all type experience, your experience with sleep can be as unique as your fingerprint. It’s important to be intentional about crafting your sleep experience to make sure you are getting the most out your designated time for rest.
Oftentimes we bring our devices and technology into the space we deem for rest. Technology can be beneficial, however most times our tech hinders the effectiveness of our sleep.
Are you getting enough sleep? Do you feel well rested when you wake up? It’s okay if you don’t, this week is dedicated to sleep and how we can be more mindful in our approach toward the practice of sleep.
On Day 4 of “The Phone Breakup Challenge,” Catherine talks about making some simple changes that will help you protect and improve two of the most important things in life: your relationships and your sleep.
In today’s culture of multitasking and being busy for the sake of being busy, it's easy to feel bad about taking a moment for yourself. We have to disassociate the idea of rest as being a reward. Everyone is entitled to rest.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images