Below are the best resources we could find featuring andy puddicombe about self care.
How do we change our relationship with anxiety? Former Buddhist monk and Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe answers your questions about stress and anxiety, and how to overcome them with self-care and mindfulness.
Get ready for the week at home with this mini-meditation series, guided by Andy Puddicombe. This week, we set up a selfcaresunday routine, including meditation, gratitude, and a little joy.
In all interpersonal relationships, boundaries aren’t just common sense, they are healthy. Boundaries can be hard to set, but they’re a form of self-protection and self-care.
If you’re with others, it’s tempting to look at taking time for yourself as selfish, but in solitude, we can find a way to reconnect with ourselves. And when we go back out into life we can be better for ourselves, and for the people around us.
In today’s culture of multitasking and being busy for the sake of being busy, it's easy to feel bad about taking a moment for yourself. We have to disassociate the idea of rest as being a reward. Everyone is entitled to rest.
The word “no” often has a powerful sting that yields a negative connotation. However it’s important to realize the instances when saying “no” is the appropriate response to the circumstances that arise throughout life.
There’s been a tremendous amount of loss during the pandemic. Loss of loved ones and the way we live our lives. It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling.
Today Sam breaks down the importance of setting boundaries, especially as we age. Things can change in our lives, and it’s crucial we define, and set boundaries even with our loved ones.
We live in a society that values productivity and work above all else. But it’s time that we start accepting that without the proper rest our body needs, we can’t be at our best.
When we think of self care, a few things probably come to mind. Today Sam talks about the importance of nuance and she reveals what she believes to be the most important habit in self care.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images