Below are the best podcasts we could find featuring andy puddicombe about play.
Playing comes so naturally to children. But for some reason as we age it’s easy to lose this sense of play. Today Sam talks about the power of reintroducing fun, play, and things you used to love back into your life.
We often are so consumed about what’s coming up that we don’t actually enjoy the moments we’re already in! This weekend, try to stay focused on the present, have more fun, find more joy and stay in this weekend.
Life can be really serious. But for a lot of the everyday stuff, why not try to smile instead? Life is a lot more fun if you can laugh at it.
When we think about our relationship to work and how we plan our lives around it, we often leave very little or no time for play. It’s important to maintain a sensible balance of play with regard to the time you spend working and doing the chores of life.
Don't underestimate the power of fun. It can help us live longer.
Going into the weekend, we are challenged to bring more happiness and joy into our practices.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images