Below are the best resources we could find featuring andy puddicombe about personal development.
Think of the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten. You may have a word or phrase in mind, but what if it’s simpler than that? Things are as they are; we are as we are. All you have is this moment, so be your best in it.
The evolution of life comes from our willingness to try new things. We should approach each new day as an experiment of life and see what conclusion the day brings in pushing us toward the life we want.
It’s easy to become dependent on others to validate our unique, individual journeys through life. Remember not to get hung up on what others think of your journey, but to stay focused on the destination and find peace in the path you’ve chosen.
How do we create a framework in which we keep moving forward? Learn how having a goal to aim towards, brings a sense of direction to meditation.
Do you feel stuck in life right now? In today’s podcast, we discuss being confident and courageous enough to move forward in life without knowing the eventual outcome.
The vigor and energy we have when we first set our goals and resolutions tend to fade over time. Check in with yourself to get an index of the progress you’ve made toward your goals.
Change is a major part of the human experience, the more we adapt and embrace the idea of change, the more we become active participants in our growth as human beings.
Oftentimes we get wrapped up in the fine details of executing a plan before we even get started. Sometimes you have to just start and finalize the plan along the way.
We are inclined to gauge progress by tangible measures and quantitative figures. However when practicing mindfulness, the gauge of progress can be a little cloudy because it is an internal measure that we set for ourselves.
As humans, we are constantly on a journey of growth. Thinking outside the box can lead us to a new phase of growth and evolution.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images