Below are the best resources we could find featuring andy puddicombe about letting go.
While our phones can be a positive resource, we often find ourselves glued to them. Is it time to evaluate how you use your phone and consider taking a break?
Being focused on the outcome or result often leads us to miss out on the work of getting to the desired result. Focusing less on the outcome can lead us to the perfect result.
It’s okay to relinquish control. Too much control can cause us to miss out on the pleasant inconveniences of life.
The understanding of happiness is often described in black and white, either you're happy or you're not. The idea of letting go of unhappiness is a liberating way of looking at life.
Tapping into the creative mind often helps us move past the different plateaus we face in life. In today’s podcast, we discuss letting go of the technical aspects of meditation and allowing the mind the space needed to express itself freely.
Being busy has become synonymous with success, however when we are pushed to the brink of our capacity to be productive, we often feel less successful. It’s important to find a balance between being busy and also knowing when it’s okay to take a needed break.
The beauty of mindfulness is that it is a unique experience for each individual. We can create the right atmosphere and practices that keep us grounded in the intentions we establish for ourselves.
Awareness is found when we limit our chances for distraction. Pausing the mind is something we can do in an effort to be more aware of the distractions around us.
With meditation, there is a sense of wanting to reach relaxation quickly. In today’s podcast, we learn how to give our minds time and space to unwind into relaxation.
Success and failure are relative. Through the lens of mindfulness, we look to avoid judgmental commentary and accept things as they are.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images