Below are the best resources we could find featuring andy puddicombe about compassion.
Cultivate feelings of compassion and learn to judge others less harshly.
When we shift the focus away from our problems to being a solution to someone else’s, this can often lead us closer to the solution for our own circumstances.
When we greet difficult thoughts and feelings with a sense of interest rather than shutting down, we are welcoming an opportunity to practice curiosity in a way that would lead us to a constructive outcome. This can ultimately add to our toolkit to push through adverse moments.
Children throw tantrums and we call them “naughty.” We say, “they’ll grow out of it,” and move on. But as adults, we don’t stop reacting — it just looks a little different. We may say or do something we regret.
While it’s not always black or white, lying is often an issue of morality. The root of the answer is within each individual's approach to morality and what they deem to be truth.
Significant friendships can impact our lives in more ways than we know. The right friend can provide a subject perspective and give you more insight into how to manage life ups and downs.
We don't associate our hearts with our minds, although what's in our hearts has an effect on our minds. Our thoughts and emotions guide our minds, and make us who we are.
Having more information about meditation and mindfulness is great, however the mis-information around these practices can easily become discouraging as we want to be mindful of how we engage in meditation, as the practices should be a unique experience.
Western mindfulness centers around awareness and Eastern mindfulness is more about compassion. But like the sun, both emit light and warmth, we need both awareness and compassion to truly live mindfully.
Raise your hand if you feel like your meditation or mindfulness practice feels totally separate from the rest of your life? You’re in good company. And the more you’re noticing those feelings of disconnection, the more you’re training that muscle.
Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images