Below are the best resources we could find featuring andrew weil about stress management.
We live in an age of stress. Each day at work and at home as we struggle to take care of the basics, constant stress significantly affects our ability to lead healthy and happy lives.
Dr. Weil discusses the harmful effects of stress and how they can raise cortisol levels in the body. One effective method of reducing stress is to recognize stressors in everyday life and to quell them before they become unmanageable.
Andrew Weil is wondering if the forest therapy that originated in Japan is available in the U.S. Or is it something we’re just supposed to do on our own to reduce stress?
Since breathing is something we can control and regulate, it is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind. I recommend three breathing exercises and techniques to help relax and reduce stress.
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health lays out Dr. Andrew Weil’s week-by-week, step-by-step plan that will keep your body’s natural healing system in peak working order. It covers diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress, and environment—all aspects of daily living that affect health and well-being.
Dr. Weil presents five basic pillars that can help you create and maintain good health. See which ones you already practice, and which you should strive to incorporate into your life.
Laughter yoga is all about voluntary laughter--how you can learn to laugh even in the absence of humorous stimuli, and reap the extraordinary, scientifically proven benefits, which include stress reduction, pain relief, weight loss, heightened immunity, and, especially, enhanced mood: If you act...
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