
Agnes Baker-Pilgrim

Agnes Baker-Pilgrim (1924–2019) was a Native American spiritual leader, author, and mentor from the Takelma tribe in Oregon. She was one of thirteen indigenous women who founded the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and served as council chair for over a decade. She traveled internationally advocating for animal and indigenous rights, world peace, and the importance of a relationship with Mother Earth.

Agnes Baker-Pilgrim
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His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim

Discussion on "Spirituality & the Environment" at the University of Portland in Portland, Oregon, USA on May 9, 2013

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Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision for Our Planet

We are thirteen indigenous grandmothers. . . .

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For the Next 7 Generations

In 2004, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story.

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Agnes Baker Pilgrim | The Life and Times of Grandma Aggie

Agnes Baker Pilgrim talks of her early life and family, of her Takelma heritage, of the Sacred Salmon Ceremony, of going to Southern Oregon University and graduating at age 61, about the Circle of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and about water, life and the earth.

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Grandma Says: Wake Up, World! The Wisdom, Wit, Advice, and Stories of “Grandma Aggie”

Transcribed from an interview with one of the most important voices of the First Nation and of the world, Grandma Aggie’s stories and advice mesmerize and captivate while providing a blueprint for how inhabitants of the earth can live together in harmony and peace.

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Takelma-Siletz Elder Agnes Baker Pilgrim: Honoring the Water

“Grandma Aggie” is here to help us honor the water. She tells the gathered crowd of two hundred that the water hears us when we thank it for cleaning us and quenching our thirst. “We are all water babies”, she says, reminding us that we are composed largely of water.

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Agnes Baker-Pilgrim: Indigenous Voices

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Love, Life & Water - Indigenous Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim

A citizen think tank on the current operating systems and how we can transition in to a future of regenerative infrastructure.

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Peace Conference 2009 Council 13 Grandmas — Agnes Pilgrim

Agnes Pilgrim, Council of 13 Grandmas.

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Know Yourself by Grandmother Agnes

Excerpt from a teaching circle of Grandmother Agnes who is a presenter at the SEED Institute’s Wisdom from the Origins conference, September 13 through 17th in ABQ, New Mexico.

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Julieta Casimiro